Sunday, July 24, 2011

Last full day in Costa Rica

We woke up to quite a different day then yesterday; it was bright and sunny, and so Eric and I took at walk to watch the sun come up. After another famous breakfast cooked by Ana (of course, with rice and beans, and this time with an omelette, too), we went into Orisi to find the famous Pancho to take us on his horses. We found him next to the Orisi Lodge, and since he only had two horses, Debbie and I went with Pancho for a ride around Orisi. It was beautiful riding around Orisi, and under the suspension bridge we walked on the first day, and through town. So interesting to see how people live, mostly in tiny shacks with tin roofs. What was especially interesting about the ride was the fact that Pancho doesn't speak a word of English. Basically all we said to eachother was "muy bueno." We took off for Tipanti Park, where we went to a place where we fished for our own trout and took it up to a restaurant where they cooked it for us. Deliciouso.

We worked off our big lunch with a major hike in the forest, which took us two hours. It was a very challenging hike, up a very steep mountain on very wet, slippery steps, and then down again. The four of us did great. We were sweating and exhausted and came back for a delicious dinner of chicken, beans, rice, pasta and salad cooked by Ana. A delicious end to a wonderful day.

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