Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pura Vida!

Woke up to a very rainy, grey day. We were a bit dismayed as our plan today was to go to see the Irazu volcanu and go ziplining. After a yoga session led by Debbie, Ana brought us yet another delicious breakfast. Even though it was pouring we decided to go up to Irazu. It was a beautiful ride, and the weather cleared up along the way. When we got to the entrance gate, the guard warned us that we probably wouldn't be able to see anything. We decided to pay and go through anyway. Eric ran up ahead (it was very cold and windy), and when he got to the overlook and he motioned to us to come quickly. The reason he was so insistent that we come as fast as possible was because at the moment there was a completely clear view of the volcano. I got some great photos, and just moments later the clouds moved in and our view was gone. Sergio said that he once took a group 3 days in a row, and they saw nothing. This served to be our lucky omen for the day. The weather cleared and it was a magnificent day. We walked around the outdoor fruit market. We have never seen such a variety of fruits and vegetables. And the sizes! We bought carrots and a beet bigger than we've ever seen. And so delicious. From there we went ziplining(Aventuras la Carpintera; )which included a delicious lunch first. We had two wonderful guides who took us on our adventure. We had to hike up 623 steps to the first platform. Debbie was terrified, but after the first platform, she was hooked. We went on 14 ziplines, and the view was unreal. We were way up on the trees in the forest. Thrilling. The biggest surprise was the "rappelling." It was supposed to be rappelling, but it turned out to be a 50 ft. freefall. I don't know if there was something lost in translation, but it was not what we expected. What a scare it was to be hanging on a rope 50 feet up, and then freefalling down. There was another one at the end, that wasn't as far a drop, but still a little scary

We had Ana make us dinner tonight (meatballs, veggies, rice, potatoes), and it was just what the Doctor ordered after such an active day. Keep posted!

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