Friday, July 22, 2011

Our first full day in Costa Rica

Eric and I woke up at 5:30, and went for a walk around "our" property. It was a beautiful sight to walk out the door and see the mountains. The clouds were hanging low over them, but as the morning wore on, they cleared and we had a nice view.

Ana brought breakfast over; it consisted of beans and rice, plaintains, delicious crusty bread and sour cream. We ate every crumb, and then set out on a hike around the area. The beauty of the mountains and the valley below is breathtaking. Sergio picked us up and we set out for the day. On the way down the road, Eric spotted a shack where two brothers (following in their father's footsteps) do woodcarvings. Eric recognized it as it was featured in the St. Pete Times. As he is carrying around the article, we also found a fruit stand that was featured and the owner was thrilled to see his place was in the paper. We walked over the valley on a suspension bridge, saw a damn, ate lunch at a small restaurant in town (again, delicious beans and rice, fish, chicken, pineapple and other fruit drinks, and a tortilla grilled with cheese on top). We checked out the Orisi Inn, another place highlighted in the newspaper article. The German owner made a reservation for us to go to an organic coffee plantation for a tour. The tour, though lengthy, was very interesting. I never realized how complex it was to grow and roast coffee beans; I will surely appreciate my daily Joe much more. We bought some to bring home.

One thing I forgot yesterday to mention is that that are cows roaming around here freely. In fact, Sergio had to stop his van yesterday because there was a cow in the road. Also there are dogs everywhere.

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