Friday, April 20, 2012

We arrived safely in Key West on Wednesday morning, after a very rough passage. The forecasts, which Eric and Tom monitored and discussed thoroughly before leaving, called for 15 knots. Well, with all of the technology in this world, they still can't predict the weather. They blew 28 knots most of the night, and it was miserable. Instead of grilling lamb chops (there was no way that was going to happen) we grabbed whatever we could, and when an entire glass of red wine blew into my lap, it was downhill from there. I wasn't a happy camper, and Eric could tell I had that pre-seasick look on my face, so he gave me two dramamine and set me below to sleep. I stayed down below the entire passage, and poor Eric was on duty the entire night. The morning brought calmer seas, and we sailed into Key West feeling very beat up (especially Eric). After enjoying a cold margarita to celebrate our safe passage, we swam showered and slept for about 4 hours. We grilled the lamb chops, went to Mallory Square to watch the sunset
and walked around town to poke our heads into our favorite bars to hear the music. Yesterday, our first full day here. we met Tom and Brady for brunch at Harry's, and then spent the day with them here. Last night, we went the Green Parrot to hear the Red Elvises, a popular band (the place was mobbed), grilled steaks on our boat, and when they left, we walked around town. It turns out we will not be going to the Dry Tortugas this trip, as the weather isn't going to be great, so we have to stay put in Key West until early next week. There are worse places to be stuck! In fact, it turns out this is a great time to be stuck here, as it is Conch Republic Festival starting tonight, and there are many celebrations planned. We are going to Schooners Wharf Bar tonight to watch the Festival begin. Should be a hoot.

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