Thursday, May 21, 2015

Crossed the streets in Ho Chi Minh and still here to tell about it

Our first day here and my mind is buzzing with all the unusual sights - the first being seeing Jacob.  We met him this morning for coffee (after an amazing spread of food in the hotel for breakfast) and watched the Lightning game on the ipad.  Crossing the streets here is a free for all - there are more scooters than cars and they dart in and out of traffic.  There aren't many street lights, so when crossing, one takes a leap of faith and just goes for it. 
After the game, Jacob, Daniel and David checked into our hotel, had laundry service pick up their smelly clothes (about 2 bucks to get them washed, folded and delivered) and we set off to wander the city.  The five of us stick out like a sore thumb because we are white and tall.  There are people cooking pho on the streets, shining shoes, selling fruit, water, etc. and that is the way they make a living.  We enjoyed some delicious pho, and other Vietnamese food for lunch at the Lemongrass, and made our way into a "mall" which was dozens tiny stalls of merchandise, much of it knock offs of designer jewelry and clothes.  
It is hot here, but not hotter than Florida; the difference at home is that we are in air conditioning almost all of the time, and not walking around during the heat of the day.

 There are people sitting on the street everywhere.

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