Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving sailing trip 2012

We arrived at the lower Manatee River Friday morning, after a very nice Thanksgiving day, spent with the Sokolovs, Arlene and Bill, Jacob and Omi. Of course, there was a an empty seat and an emptiness in our hearts without Poppi with us. Josh wasn't with us either, as he is on a two month stint in Belize, to open a call center in Belize. The Benstocks arrived here on Sababa shortly after us, and we immediately kayaked over to them for happy hour and we had a delicious steak dinner. Yesterday, they came here for breakfast, and then Eric and I went to shore and hiked for an hour around Emerson Park. It is an amazingly beautiful, vestige of what Florida used to look like before it was developed. The plants, trees, etc. are so lush, and there are butterflies everywhere. We even saw lemon trees. Lunch of delicious fish chowder made by Chef David was on Sababa, followed by a nap on Free Spirit, then back to Sababa to watch the Gators crush the Noles. Mike had us on a regular feeding schedule throughout the evening; whole wheat pasta with Chef David's homemade pesto at half time, brisket sandwiches after the game, and then a tradition that began on our last trip with Margot and Mike (Mike said it was so much fun he will never forget it), hot dogs with sauerkraut at the stroke of midnight (last night it was just before midnight) All night we had a countdown...4 hours til hot dogs, 3 hours and 42 minutes til hot dogs, etc. One would think we were consuming the most amazingly delicious gourmet meal, but there is something about being outside, under the stars eating a hot dog at midnight. Unforgettable. This morning we will leave for Longboat Key; the Benstocks are heading home. The weather couldn't be better; beautiful during the day, and chilly at night, which is great for sleeping. As we enjoy a leisurely breakfast this morning, I am once again reminded why I love this boat so much. The sky is blue, and the only sounds I hear are the birds and the water lapping against the boat. Peace and quiet.

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