Thursday, November 29, 2012

Had another fun filled day yesterday. Took the trolley to Mote Marine and toured the aquarium. It is the largest research organization for sea life in North America. Many well known researchers work there including a woman who specializes in sharks. She has discovered that sharks get 8 of the same cancers as humans but they don't die from them. Came back to the boat, and again jumped into the dinghy to watch the sunset. Full moon last night, and very chilly. We had talked about going in the kayak for a full mom cruise, but we chose to stay in the warm boat instead. We had hot soup and salmon for dinner, and watched a very funny show on HBO to go (technology is great) As I made coffee in my old fashioned percolator on the stove just now, I thought about all the fancy things I use every day at home. They are all nice things, but in the end very unimportant. It's only the people that matter in life.

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