Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Still chillin

Weather is gorgeous. Yesterday we had a very strange experience. We endured rough seas so we could attend Yizkor services yesterday. The website for the conservative shul said services begin at 9 so we assumed that it would be a normal morning service and so if we got there at 10 Yizkor would probably start around 11. We were ready to go early so about 915 we took off on our bikes. Just before leaving Eric realized he forgot his reading glasses but we decided to go anyway. We walked into the synagogue and 2 minutes later Yizkor began. I was shocked. Had we waited a bit before leaving or if Eric would have gone back for his glasses we would have missed the service, despite having weathered rough seas to get here. I told myself that it was divine intervention and that Poppi was right there with me. 
Already went out on the stand up paddleboard and the kayak today. Awaiting the arrival of Benstock's on Sababa. 

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