Tuesday, December 6, 2011


We had a lovely sail home from Longboat Key. We cleaned up the boat so it is spotless and ready for our next trip. As we walked away, we both had tears in our eyes that our wonderful adventure was over, and that we would have to face "reality" the following day.

I didn't sleep well Sunday night, as I was apprehensive about what would be waiting for me in my office. I arrived there early, and got back into the saddle quickly. It felt good to be back.

Today is Tuesday, and I am thinking back on what we were doing a week ago on Free Spirit. I already can't wait until we untie the lines, once again, for our next adventure.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Every place we visit I say "this is my favorite spot." Venice is a beautiful area. From our boat we look out on an inlet often filled with dolphins. There are beautiful homes surrounding the inlet and there is a park across from us where people fish and picnic.

We walked to the Venice pier yesterday. It is a 5k there and back and a beautiful walk on the beach. So we did a bit over 6 miles, had lunch on the boat and then rode our bikes into town. Many cute shops and we enjoyed exploring. Enjoyed happy hour on the jetty and watched yet another incredible sunset. Both my sons called to wish me Shabbat Shalom.

Ate dinner at the tavern in Crows Nest. There seems to be a common theme among the people we talk to. Everyone wants to play more and work less.

The Christmas boat parade - a big event in Venice - is tonight. There are already many chairs set up along the jetty. The boaters around us are busy decorating their boats, and they can't understand that we are not staying for this important event!

Just saw a dolphin so that means it should be a good day. We are leaving to head home. Off to Longboat Key.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

off to venice

Took off this morning for Venice. Great sailing weather. A bit cool but sunny. Arrived at the Crow's Nest dock late afternoon (first time this trip that we are paying instead of anchoring out) We got on the free bikes that are available to cruisers and rode into town to buy some wine at our favorite wine shop, and got back in time to walk out onto the jetty to watch the sun set. Had a great dinner on board of lamb chops, corn on the cob and salad. This little marina is quite empty. Maybe a sign of the times. Tomorrow laundry, Publix and exploring the cute town of Venice.